Table of Content
I. Youth Volunteer Manual (pg 3)
II. Youth Conduct Manual (pg 6)
Appendix A: ACCC Youth Ministry Counselor Application Form (pg 12)
Appendix B: Incident Form (pg 14)
Youth Volunteer Manual
The primary purpose of this policy is to maintain a safe environment for those youth participating in Atlanta Chinese Christian Church’s youth programs.
Open Program
All aspects of ACCC’s youth programs are open to observation by parents and congregational leaders at any time.
Church Involvement
Anyone who is interested in helping out with youth ministry must first join ACCC for a minimum of 6 months prior to serving and provide 3 referrals.
What is Expected of a Counselor
1. Demonstrate passion for Christ and shows personal growth
2. Maturity in team work
3. Willing to commit to serve even if it means sacrifice
4. Good role model
5. Servant’s attitude
6. Baptized (if not, need to do it ASAP)
7. Responsible at home as well as in school academics
8. Counselors are highly encouraged to take part in an annual training seminar (seminar to be announced by Youth Director)
Counselor Approval Process
The responsibility of finding and recommending a counselor does not solely rest on the Youth Ministry Committee (YMC). Parents, congregation members, or candidates themselves can also recommend potential counselors to the YMC for further consideration. The potential candidates
will meet with the Youth Director for an interview and will also be required to fill out the ACCC Youth Ministry Counselor Application Form (Appendix A) at that time. After the interview process, the potential counselors will be asked to submit to a background check. The YMC will meet to give final approval to the potential counselor’s involvement.
Please note that previous offenses (criminal or otherwise) do not immediately exclude one from service. As Christians, we are all about second chances, as the Lord has given us a second chance. If, during the course of the interview or in reviewing the application form, it is discovered that there have been some previous criminal charges or other offenses, these will be taken into consideration and discussed in YMC, but the information will be kept in utmost confidentiality.
History of Sexual Misconduct
Any adult who has been convicted of sexual misconduct or abuse may not participate in any capacity in ACCC’s youth programs.
Two-deep Leadership
At least two counselors must be present at each youth program activity from its beginning until all participants have been released to a parent or another approved person. If a youth program is occurring simultaneously in separate areas, two counselors must be present in each area where
youth are present.
One-on-One Interaction
When a planned one-on-one meeting between an counselor and a youth takes place in the church building, the meeting must be in a room with an unobstructed window or an open door. A second counselor must be in the same area of the church, although not necessarily in the same room. Planned individual contact off church property may only occur in public places and with the prior consent of the minor and parent or guardian.
Respect of Privacy
Counselors need to respect the privacy of youth in situations such as use of restrooms, changing into swimming suits, or taking showers on overnight outings, and intrude only insofar as health and safety require. Counselors also need to protect their own privacy in similar situations.
Separate Accommodations
A minimum of counselors must be present at an overnight youth activity. If youth participants are both male and female, the counselors must be male and female. Males and females will sleep in separate areas. Counselors will not occupy the same bed as a youth, unless they are the youth’s parent or guardian.
When the church provides transportation to a youth program activity, the following requirements apply:
1. The driver must be a counselor or a driver approved by the youth director.
2. The driver must have a valid driver’s license.
3. The driver must have proof of insurance that meets the State requirements.
4. The driver must not have had a driver’s license revoked or suspended within the last five years for any reason.
5. The number of passengers in a vehicle may not exceed the number of working passenger seat restraints.
6. The driver and all passengers must wear seat restraints at all times.
7. A parent or guardian must sign a permission form.
8. A counselor should avoid being alone in a car with a minor.
Constructive Discipline
Discipline used in church activities should be constructive and should reflect the accepting and loving environment that Christ intended for us to have with each other. Corporal punishment is never permitted.
No Sexual Behavior
No sexual contact is permitted at youth program activities. Other behavior that does not involve physical contact, such as suggestive or sexual comments, displaying sexual materials, or exposing sexual body parts, is also prohibited.
Abstinence from Alcohol and Drugs
Counselors will abstain from drinking alcohol in the presence of youths and will lead an exemplary life in the area of drug related issues.
Counselors shall not give personal gifts or money to an individual youth without first notifying the parents or another counselor. Gifts to entire classes or groups are acceptable.
Reporting of Violations of These Rules
Any suspected violations of this policy should be reported to the youth ministry staff or pastoral staff immediately. Suspected child abuse or neglect shall be reported.
Congregational Awareness and Review
A copy of this policy will be available on the ACCC website and/or in the church office at all times.
Effective Date
This policy shall become effective on November 13, 2010
APPROVED by the Joint Board of Elders and Deacons on
This 13th day of November, 2010